Cando® Jumbo Wate™ Bar 22.5 lb | Alternative to dumbbells

Cando® Jumbo Wate™ Bar 22.5 lb | Alternative to dumbbells, 1015346 [W54259], Веса
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Этот артикул требует особых условий транспортировки и погрузки и мы не можем автоматически рассчитать затраты на перевозку. Наш менеджер свяжется с Вами для того, чтобы минимизировать транспортные расходы.
Alternative to dumbbells - Flexible use during training - Resistance training anywhere, anytime - Cando exercise bars come in a variety of weights and can be used in supine, sitting, or standing exercise positions. These bars are designed for increasing strength and range of motion, as well as improving motor skills, balance, and endurance. The anti-roll end cap and hanger end cap are unique design features that help prevent safety hazards in the exercise environment.

*sold individually*
Артикул: 1015346 [W54259]
Вес 10.371 kg
Размеры 139.7 x 3.81 x 3.81 cm
Торговая марка CanDo
MPN: 10-1618

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