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CPR SIMON BLS - teljes alakos szimulátor
798 322,00Ft
Ez a termék speciális kezelést és fuvarozást igényel, ezért a fuvarköltség automatikusan nem kiszámítható. A fuvarköltségek tekintetétben kereskedőnk fel fogja Önnel venni a kapcsolatot.
This life size adult manikin is designed to provide the fundamentals of CPR instruction as well as numerous patient care exercises. Features Include:
• Disposable airways to practice hygienic mouth-to-mouth ventilation
• Fully articulating head, neck, and jaw permitting head/tilt, chin lift, jaw thrust, and neck extension
• Airway blocked when head is forward
• Easily accessible chest cavity with ribcage, lungs, and heart for realism and practice of the Heimlich maneuver
• Realistic chest rise during ventilation
• Carotid and femoral arterial pulse sites
• Eyes open and close; one pupil is dilated
• Femoral venous site
• Intramuscular (IM) Injection Sites on the deltoids, quadriceps and left gluteus medius
• Jointed elbows, wrists, knees and ankles
• Detachable at waist for easy storage
• Instruction Manual
• Carrying bag