Detection instrument for observing scintillations produced by radioactive decay. When a radiation cartridge (226Ra, 4 kBq, U8483115) is screwed into the instrument so that its radiation outlet is directed downwards onto the exposed zinc sulphide ...
Steel safe with two compartments (shelf is adjustable) for theft proof storage of radioactive materials in accordance with radiation protection requirements.
Dimensions: 140x300x360 mm³ approx.
Weight: 3 kg approx.
Expansion cloud chamber for observing the paths of α-rays. Cover and sidewall are of glass (Duran).
By compressing the attached rubber ball and then allowing it to expand, a supersaturated isopropanol-water mixture is produced ...
Digital counter/timer for measuring duration of motion, transition times, periods, pendulum periods, frequencies, as well as for counting events or Geiger tube pulses. Includes a speaker that can be turned on and off and power supplies for ...
Self-quenching halogen pulse ionisation chamber for detecting alpha, beta, gamma and x-ray radiation. In metal housing with mica window, removable mounting clamp with shaft. Long plateau length.
Filling: Neon/argon mixture, halogen as quenching ...
Versatile, easy to use and compact precision instrument for measuring α-, β- and γ-radiation. With filter selection switch at the front of the Geiger-Müller counter tube for filtering out types of radiation (γ/β, γ/α/β or γ only), large ...
This Cs-137/Ba-137m Isotope Generator is used to conduct experiment in schools and universities to demonstrate the properties of radioactive decay. Based on the original Union Carbide patented design, it offers exceptional performance combined ...
This set is used for determining the resolving time of GM Counters. It consists of three half discs, two of which contain 5 μCi of Tl-204 plus a third half disc with no activity. The count-rate of each half disc plus the blank (to maintain ...
Designed for gamma spectroscopy, the RSS-8 contains eight different gamma emitting isotopes covering the entire energy range from 32 to 1333 keV. Also included in the set is a mixed source of Cs-137 and Zn-65 which students may use to identify ...