About 3B Scientific

World Health Day 2022: Let’s unite for a #healthiertomorrow

3B Scientific GmbH

On April 7, 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) was founded. To this day, we celebrate World Health Day to remind us that health and wellbeing of our communities have to be the main priority for now and for future generations. Therefore, let us take a moment and concentrate on what we can do, each individually and as a society, to continually improve upon health, environment, and wellbeing.
Each year on World Health Day, WHO focuses on a special topic. This year, the theme is Our Planet, Our Health – underlining the need for clean air, clean water, and food. In many parts of the world, it has become increasingly challenging to meet these fundamental human needs.
Here are some facts that emphasize the urgency of shifting the focus towards the health and environmental aspects of our nations:
Did you know?
  • Each year, 13 million people worldwide die due to avoidable environmental causes. As per WHO, the single biggest health threat humanity faces is climate change.
  • At least half the world’s population does not receive essential health services.
  • In 2017, 12% of the world’s total population spent 10% of their household income on healthcare.
  • More people have access to mobile phones are than to bathrooms.
  • By 2019, 20.6% of adults experienced severe mental illness in the US.
  • Every year, approximately 6.6 million children die worldwide due to the lack of a sound healthcare system.
  • In the US alone, people spend 8.4 billion dollars on Halloween, much higher than the world’s total spending on tackling malaria.
  • Diarrhea & pneumonia is the leading cause of death in children - more than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas kills 13 people every minute due to lung cancer, heart disease, and strokes.
  • Globally, 2 billion people lack safe drinking water.
  • Nine out of ten people breathe polluted air.
What can we do to keep us and the planet healthy?
We can create a #healthiertomorrow by taking these simple measures:
Reduce, reuse, and recycle: Conserve natural resources landfill space by recycling and instill a habit of reusing things we already possess.
Volunteer: Take part in volunteer clean-up activities in your communities and encourage friends and family to do so as well.
Educate: Help others understand the need and importance of conserving natural resources whenever you get a chance.
Conserve water: Water is the most valuable natural resource. Avoid water wastage.
Use energy-efficient light bulbs: Help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and don’t forget to turn off the light when you leave a room.
Plant a tree: Trees help us combat climate change apart from its other unique benefits to human life - Idea: Maybe this birthday, plant a tree!
Be a wise shopper: Buy only things you genuinely need. Buy less and use less plastic. Tip: Sustainable fashion is in!
Drive less: Choose public transport, cycling, or a walk whenever possible.
Seek accountability: Be accountable and hold others accountable for the decisions they make related to the healthcare system or the wellbeing of our environment.
At 3B Scientific, we thrive for a #healthiertomorrow – every day

Just recently, 3B Scientific has introduced digital catalogs to reduce the number of printed ones globally. Our customers can now learn all about our medical simulation and education products using interactive digital catalogs (available in many languages) to join our efforts to minimize deforestation, energy cost, and paper pollution footprints.

