Experiment: Chladni Figures @230V

Experiment: Chladni Figures @230V, 8001123 [UE1070100-230], Acústica
1.179,15 IVA incluido
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Chladni figures-making sound visible
The Chladni figures are named after the German scientist Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni (1756-1827).
Chladni excited the normal modes of thin metal plates covered with sand by stroking them with a violin bow. The Sand is pushed away from the vibrating parts of the plate and collects at the node lines. This leads to the formation of different patterns, the so called Chladni figures, which depend on frequency and plate geometry.
In our experiment the plates are excited with a vibration generator connected to a function generator. This allows a fine adjustment of the frequencies.


Generador de vibraciones -
para investigar oscilaciones y resonancias, 1000701 [U56001], Oscilación

Generador de vibraciones -
para investigar oscilaciones y resonancias

1000701 [U56001]
Precio del artículo
246,84 €
Generador de funciones FG 100 (230 V, 50/60 Hz), 1009957 [U8533600-230], Generadores de funciones

Generador de funciones FG 100 (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

1009957 [U8533600-230]
Precio del artículo
822,80 €
Par cables de experimentación de seguridad 75cm, 1017718 [U13816], Cables de experimentación

Par cables de experimentación de seguridad 75cm

1017718 [U13816]
Precio del artículo
17,30 €
Artículo No.: 8001123 [UE1070100-230]
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