Determine AB0/Rh blood type of real human blood in under five minutes.
A small amount of blood is applied to a series of wells containing lyophilized blood typing antibodies, followed by the addition of a wash buffer that flows across each ...
This activity provides the most procedurally accurate simulation of the blood typing technique available. Students test and determine the ABO/Rh blood types of four different simulated blood samples. Using Innovating Sciences' new simulated ...
Blood type, an inherited characteristic, has use in everything from forensic investigations to medical procedures. In this activity, students will learn about the genetics that determine blood type and the possible inheritance patterns and ...
All the food in the world is of no use if the human body does not have the ability to extract necessary nutrients from it. With this activity, students will be able to expose three nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids) to different ...
How and why do biologists classify animals?
With the Classifying Animals kit. students work together to arrange a set of 18 Animal Cards into groups and then adjust their groupings as they learn how scientists classify animals into phyla ...
Learn the role of the kidney in blood filtration and waste removal along with the many functional tasks performed by nephrons, as well as nephron structure. Students will create an artificial kidney model to filter simulated blood. This ...
The earliest historical attempts at blood transfusions often had lethal results. These results led to the investigation and discovery of blood types, as well as a deeper understanding of the importance of antigen/antibody interactions. In ...
Urinalysis, one of the oldest medical diagnostic tests performed, is to this day still one of the most common. In this activity, students will use simulated urine to avoid the unpleasantness of using the real thing while still performing ...