One of the identifying features of higher plants is the occurrence of flowers and fruits, whose complex structure under the microscope makes for interesting observations. Some plants, such as conifers, build male and female germinal elements in different flowers. The formation of seeds and fruits is determined by the different modes of dispersal, such as by means of edible fruit flesh or of dehydration-resistant grains. Flower biology or ecology examine and describe the interactions occurring in the pollination process between flowers and their non-living and living environment. Among the external forces that make pollen dispersal possible are wind, water and transportation by animals. Of these three, pollination through animals ranks as the uppermost method, being the most effective and common of all.
System requirements:
Computer and processor: 500-megahertz x86 or x64 processor
Operating system: Windows 95 and above
Display: 1024 x 768 pixels
CD-ROM drive
Can also run on PowerMac G4 and above with the help of emulation software.