E10/E11: Tympanic membrane with malleus, incus, labyrinth with stapes, cochlea, vestibulochlear nerve

E10/E11: Tympanic membrane with malleus, incus, labyrinth with stapes, cochlea, vestibulochlear nerve, 1020690 [XE001], 교체 부품
E10/E11: Tympanic membrane with malleus, incus, labyrinth with stapes, cochlea, vestibulochlear nerve, 1020690 [XE001], 교체 부품
E10/E11: Tympanic membrane with malleus, incus, labyrinth with stapes, cochlea, vestibulochlear nerve, 1020690 [XE001], 교체 부품
제품 보증 기간 : 3년
Eardrum replacement., 2 parts, for E10/E11
품번: 1020690 [XE001]
무게 0.06 kg
브랜드 3B Scientific
기존 품명 번호 4000099

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