Acupuncture is an ancient and alternative medicine. This anatomical poster details the important zones and regions of the ear for acupuncture. Whether for education or as a reference tool this anatomy poster is great for anyone interested in ...
The HerbaChaud ® thermal plaster is a physically functioning pain-relieving plaster, for the improvement of the general physical and psychological wellbeing. It can have a soothing and relaxing effect on the body, relieve pain, work anti ...
Multi-functional, dermal roller with spring active probe.
Silver-plated for sedating purposes.
Rolling heads with pyramid shaped surface.
The shaft can also be used to massage hand and foot.
Popular spring activated cutaneous probe.
Ideal for treating or locating trigger points.
The rounded head and sides may also be used for massage and scraping.
A good general purpose tool for treating children.
Used for rubbing or scratching the skin for cutaneous treatment along meridian pathways or with special techniques.
All of the surfaces and corners may be used to provide ...
Most popular, adjustable pressure, spring-activated cutaneous probe for treating or locating trigger points, acupoints, or ear points.
5” long modulator which includes 3” x 0.4” diameter gr ooved handle and 1.8” spring loaded pr obe with rounded ...
Interprets 1 Tsun into different distances (0.5, 1.5, 2 Tsun) to easily locate acupuncture points.
One Tsun is the distance between the creases of the middle finger.
After exercise, work and sport, when muscles have been strained, weakness, tension and stiffness may result. The body then needs to regenerate. LianTong Relax promotes the flow of Qi and blood, frees up the pathways and relaxes muscles and ...
50 informational flyers about Laser Acupuncture on horses / edit. By the College of Low Level Laser Therapy (
DIN long, 6 pages, 4/4-colored, 170 g Pictureprint
Die einzige von Prof. Dr. Bahr authorisierte Ohrkarte aus erster Hand Inkl. psychischen Punkten, Stoffwechselpunkten, ZNS-Gedächtnispunkten, Vitaminpunkten u.a.m.
DIN A1, unverwüstliches Latex-Papier,4-farbig, oben und unten beleistet inkl ...
The perforated tape fixes the optical fiber with the help of the silicon applicators during treatment.
One pack contains 12 roles of perforated tape (9,4m).
The silicone applicators are used to attach the laser needles on the skin of the patient. They are biocompatible and can be used multiple times.
One pack contains 20 applicators.
The laser safety goggle filters the laser light and protects both the patient and the therapist during treatment. It is mandatory to wear laser safety googles during treatment. Even while wearing laser safety googles one should not look directly ...
With the ApPads the application of the optical fibers becomes even easier for many types of treatments. The applicators are distributed freely into the holes of the pad. This allows for easy and safe fixation of the optical fibers and ensures ...
Protection for laser shower, for use in wound treatment (not sterile) - reusable after disinfection or sterilization.
Contains 1 pack of 5 pieces.